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IntroductionPosition:Product>>Body Camera

Body Camera Management System

一、System introduction

Body Camera Management System is popular for various types of enforcement recorder captured media data management, law enforcement data loggers collect bulk import acquisition workstation, network streaming media files automatically generate arbitrary video frames to extract online search, online browsing, file downloading, uploading data collection station to the remote server, set the data retention period in the workstation features such as integrated storage for law enforcement to collect data logger, publish, retrieve, download, destruction as one of the platform Management System.

Ministry of Public Security to meet the latest standards on enforcement instrument background software support to read, modify its equipment, alarm, time synchronization instrument of law enforcement, when law enforcement is automatically read when the instrument access device data, the data is automatically read from the success of law enforcement instrument delete.

For the majority of law enforcement instrument manufacturers of hardware products supporting background management software, it has been successful for a number of hardware vendors and different product models backstage enforcement logger management software package, and successfully passed the Ministry of Public Security product certification.

Support law enforcement recorder replicator function, a computer can be inserted at the same time more than one law enforcement recorder, the system will multithreading, multitasking multiple copies of data on law enforcement recorder to your computer.

二、System logical structure

Support cloud storage, distributed storage

三、System operating environment

1、Server running environment:Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2014。

2、The database system:MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2014。

3、The client runtime environment:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10。

4、Special support Linux platform server, MySQL database

四、Program interface

Multi-enforcement instrument collection station interface, support for different manufacturers, different models at the same time a copy of the law enforcement apparatus, can be installed in the personal computer PC, the law enforcement apparatus in uploading data to the server, supports bilingual.

Currently supported law enforcement instrument manufacturers are:Shenzhen Zhongyingchuangzhan、Shenzhen Huadean、TCL、Shenzhen Jingyi、Shenzhen Jingsheng、Shenzhen Zhongzhichuangrui、Shenzhen Luanyiqi、Shenzhen Zhuowei、Shenzhen Yiluo、Shenzhen Tuxing、Shenzhen Kelixun、Shenzhen Baianda、Shenzhen Yidian、Shenzhen Dachengwei、Shenzhen Bafangtongda、Hangzhou Xingjikonggu、Hangzhou Chengtai、Hunan Zhongxinan、Wuhan Huaan(1C,1EX2,1F)、Beijing Putian、Beijing Zhiming、Beijing Zhongdingan、Beijing DongYuDa、Jinan Zhiye、Guangzhou Yaozhi、Nanjing Mingdu、Shanghai Xiongrui、Shanghai TongMing、Jiangsu HuaAn、Jiangsu RuiDun。

Acquisition Workstation program download demo version Click download

The company has established a massive cloud storage space, you can use your download collection terminal software, the data collected by law enforcement logger directly to our cloud storage space, enter the cloud server address in the login screen:, file storage location selection "server (PC applicable)", you can upload data to our law enforcement recorder cloud storage space.Login interface shown in the following figure。

Law enforcement instrument management platform browser interface

Browser side online feature experience, see you upload to the cloud storage data.Supports Chinese, English and Russian languages. Click to enter。(Login username is admin,password is 123456)

If the number of users is relatively small, only a collection station, can use my company's single collection station working mode, the collection station that can collect data, but also a server, users through their desktop computer, you can query, manage the collection of data, do not need to stand up to the collection station, only need to install a simple version of the Web terminal can be.

Mobile terminal management platform

3G/4G network, Wifi mobile law enforcement instrument, individual equipment management platform based on the realization of each individual equipment, video surveillance, video playback, electronic map display and track real-time voice intercom, PTZ control, if it is installed on the vehicle, to achieve real-time monitoring of vehicles, including monitoring speed, oil, open and close the door, dock etc. the vehicle state.

English version of Body Camera Data Management Platform:

Online experience, please contact customer service

Main functionPosition:Product>>Body Camera

Body Camera Management System technology acquisition software specification

一、System operating environment
WinXP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
二、System main funciton
Number Funciton

USB ports support any numbers. Software can be installed on individual PC, or dock station.


Collecting state acquisition device interface slot window display of body camera and collection station correspond to each other, to prevent a wrong body camera taking


Priority upload function. Any body camera can be designated as a priority, the priority of the body camera apparatus upload, other body camera wait.


After body camera access, it automatically correct time with PC.


After body camera access, automatic data collection, by police number, equipment number, acquisition date classification storage, attributed to the correct police.


Enforcement Data Acquisition is completed, the host computer system to automatically charge it.


Data Acquisition and successful, data is automatically deleted from the body camera.


With HTTP functionality. Hot swap support of body camera, body camera data collection process, can be forced to pull out, does not affect data integrity, insert it again, from HTTP.


High-speed data transmission. Users can customize the only one body camera upload data, or more than one body camera simultaneously upload data. Upload multithreading technology full hardware performance collection station.


Authority management. Authorized users capture software, you can only do things within the purview of the body camera such as setting parameters, check their uploaded data.


Data format conversion. Automatic generation of streaming media files, video FLV, audio MP3, extract the first frame of the screen, generate photo preview.


Data files are automatically deleted due to free up storage space. The shelf life of the file, users can customize their own.


Storage space automatically change. It supports multiple disk storage space, when a disk space is full, automatic switching to the next memory space.


Data set, distributed storage. Data stored on the collection station, can be regularly uploaded to the server. But by collecting station software, you can still retrieve the data stored on the server, and you can play the original files, streaming media files.


Data security. Whether the data is stored on the server, or data stored on the dock station are opaque to the end user, the user can not be from the system, the data file operations.


It supports all Ministry of Public Security "single police enforcement audio recorder" (GA / T947-2011) standard brands and models of law enforcement recorder device.


Body camera data collection instrument, through management platform, enables police and docking Six platforms.

Body Camera Management System technical specifications

一、System operating environment
Win2003/2008/2012/2014 32/64bit
  IIS 6.0 or later .net4.0
  SQL sever 2005/2008/2012/2014 32/64bit,The system comes with SQL server 2005 Express Edition
二、System main funciton
Number Funciton

Document check by police number, device number, recording time, the work of body camera departments and other search criteria instrument uploaded data.


File upload. Additional photos can be stored on the computer, audio and video files to upload body camera data management platform.


Statistics. Based on the important level of data import period, the number of each police statistics upload upload quantity.


Authority management. Roles define user permissions, divided inquiry authority, operating authority, after user login, only do things within the purview.


User Management. Define user access to the system and assign permissions.


User departments. Tree structure define user units, unlimited layering.


Log management. Record the user's operating action, and provides query function log.


Disk space management. Support multi-storage space management, when a storage space is full, the system automatically switches to the next storage space. Data files are saved expire automatically remove expired files to free up storage space.


Define pushed to notify the dock side, when there are multiple notifications pushed to the dock end, collecting end rotation display acquisition notification.


Download Manager. Download the user has permission to download all download behavior will be recorded, it can query, traceable.


Preview parameter settings. Custom build streaming media files FLV, MP3's file parameters, and generate photo thumbnails parameters.


Server management. The system supports multiple servers can be managed on the parameters of each server.


Workstation Management. In the system parameters of each collection station management. And real-time display of each collection station storage space utilization.


Upload settings. Setting data on each workstation to upload at different times to different servers.


Statistics settings. You can set the timing statistics for each police data uploaded every day, and sends the statistical results of Excel file to the specified mailbox.


Body camera video data address, information collection stations, police officers and other assessment data into traffic information Six internet.


Set up servers, workstations, user department data retention periods, when the retention period, the automatically deleted data due to free storage space.


Constable statistical evaluation, statistical officers use every day the number of files collected by body camera, duration, number of bytes, and can be exported to Excel documents.


Body camera management. Various parameters of the body camera apparatus entry system, easy search query.

Body Camera Management System - single acquisition station model specification

一、System operating environment
WinXP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
  IIS 6.0 or later .net4.0
  SQL sever 2005/2008/2012/2014 32/64bit,The system comes with SQL server 2005 Express Edition
二、System main funciton
Number Funciton

Document check by police number, device number, recording time, the work of body camera departments and other search criteria instrument uploaded data.


Statistics. Based on the important level of data import period, the number of each police statistics upload upload quantity.


Authority management. Roles define user permissions, divided inquiry authority, operating authority, after user login, only do things within the purview.


User Management. Define user access to the system and assign permissions.


User departments. Tree structure define user units, unlimited layering.


Log management. Record the user's operating action, and provides query function log.


Define pushed to notify the dock side, when there are multiple notifications pushed to the dock end, dock end rotation display acquisition notification.


Download Manager. Download the user has permission to download all download behavior will be recorded, it can query, traceable.


Preview parameter settings. Custom build streaming media files FLV, MP3's file parameters, and generate photo thumbnails parameters.


Workstation Management. In the system parameters of each collection station management. And real-time display of each collection station storage space utilization.


Statistics settings. You can set the timing statistics for each police data uploaded every day, and sends the statistical results of Excel file to the specified mailbox.

Typical userPosition:Product>>Body Camera

The software is suitable for various types of law enforcement apparatus, which has been used in the law enforcement of several public security law enforcement instruments.

Typical users:

1 Ji'nan Shandong a traffic police detachment

2 Shenyang Liaoning a traffic police detachment

3 Buxin Liaoning a traffic police detachment

4 Wuhan Hubei a traffic police detachment

5 Huhehaote Neimenggu a traffic police detachment

6 Xuchang Henan traffic police detachment

7 Fengxian Shanghai traffic police detachment

8 Weihai Shandong traffic police detachment

9 Jingcheng Shanxi traffic police detachment

10 A Beijing Procuratorate

11 Liuzhou Guangxi a traffic police detachment

Overseas user distribution:

America、Mexico、Russia、Indonesia and other countries.

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