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IntroductionPosition:Product>>Video & Audio

Video & Audio Management System

一、System introduction

Video & Audio Management System is mainly for the management of audio and video data, audio and video data file bulk upload, online search, online cataloging, online browsing, batch download function, is the integration of audio and video data storage, release, search, download platform management system development.

二、System version

1 Stand-alone version, after obtaining registration code, can only be installed on a computer. Suitable for individual users, or less audio-visual data users.

2 Network version of the local area network information sharing, C/S architecture. Suitable for small scale audio and video data management, users are recommended to use the Internet users in 10 computers.

3 Enhanced network version, C/S+B/S architecture. Ordinary users can search, download and upload audio and video data through the browser, and the background administrator can be maintained by the C/S program, which is suitable for the vast network users.

三、System operating environment

1、Server running environment:Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2014。

2、The database system:MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2014。

3、The client runtime environment:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10。

四、Program interface

1、C/S architecture program interface

2、B/S architecture program interface

Main functionPosition:Product>>Video & Audio

System main function

1 The system mainly carries on the management to the video and the audio class electronic documents.

2 Support the current mainstream video file formats, such as MPG, WMV, AVI, ASF, FLV, MP4, MOV, RMVB, VOB, etc..

3 Support the current mainstream audio file formats, such as WAV, MP2, MP3, VOC, WMA, MID, RM, etc..

4 The automatic extraction of the system of importing video and audio files, such as file name, production time, compression algorithm, sampling rate, video size, audio frequency and other audio and video information.

5 Audio and video files to locate accurate to milliseconds, you can locate each frame of video images.

6 Video file. Can cut off any video content that is not needed. Especially suitable for news programs after collection, remove the shear of the advertisement.

7 Audio and video file transcoding output. No matter what the source file format, can convert formats, MPG, AVI, WMV output, ASF, FLV and other user defined format, and can remove the sound, or video output.

8 Automatic video file analysis. Upload video files, the system can be based on the switching of the screen shots, automatic analysis of different video shots, greatly reduce the workload of cataloging. Applicable to the analysis of video files of criminal investigation.

9 For video files, can extract any frame in real-time playback screen.

10 The system can automatically generate the streaming media file, such as WMV, MP3, which is used for preview, so as to make use of streaming media player to play audio and video files.

11 This system in which the 5-8 item, is another product "audio and video data management system", the audio and video file management functions.

12 Batch import audio and video files, can set up the system to automatically generate the preview file, and automatically extract the first frame of the video.

13 Batch import of audio and video files, for voice recognition, recognition especially for News Audio & video broadcast manuscript files.

14 Automatic speech recognition, combined with automatic speech recognition, can be easily split into independent news video programs to facilitate the retrieval and playback.

Click download speech recognition library 5.1(First install the library)

Download the speech recognition library 5.1 Chinese speech support library(First install the library)

Typical userPosition:Product>>Video & Audio

The software products are widely used in the industry, library, audio-visual materials, such as audio and video data rich mechanism

Typical users:

1 Shenzhen archives

2 Shenzhen audio and video archive

3 Guangzhou audio and video archive

4 Gansu audio and video archive

5 Danyang TV station

6 Zhangjiagang city archives

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