
Data organization in the form of audio-visual archives

Organization and Management of Audiovisual Archives in three ways: 1, classification management; 2, in accordance with the traditional "files" of organizational management, 3, press the "group" conduct of management.

Classification management:The audio-visual archives together different categories according to the organization. Classification tree structure can be infinitely layered.

File management:In the "file" management mode, for the photo archives, photo album photos stored in the photo album, called "picture volume"; for video and audio files, files are stored in video tape, disc or tape, tape, disc or tape are called video and audio volume volume.

Group management:

With the development of technology, now a lot of photos, video, audio is stored in the data file, there is no actual performance of the media, do not need to be the test paper management, therefore, the system also supports the management of the file, that is, with the same performance of the file record into a group. For example, a meeting activities, shooting photos, video, and audio conference, can put these records to form a group, given a unified group, after the group number, can retrieve all the files of the group record.

The file is formed a "group" basis, for each set of files describing group name, year, group. Can be formed according to the annual "group", to generate the year of the event list, the event can be recorded in the Word document, so that users in the Word environment for editing documents.

In the records of the organization and management methods, the system also supports "files" management and group management.

The expression of three kinds of archives data organization

This system also supports three kinds of data organization form of the file data, the concrete logical structure is as follows:

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