
Photo archives digitization process

System capable of different media photo archives: microfilm, photo negatives, digitized photographs, digitized archive information directly into the audio-visual archive repository.

Already digitized image file, such as a digital camera through digital photos, audio and video archives can be imported directly into the repository.

After the photo archives digitization, it recommended two data storage format for archiving, for a preview. Archived data format requirements, high resolution, specific technical indicators:

Storage formats: TIFF uncompressed format

Color Mode:RGB


In this way, a 3R size image of an archive level of storage capacity of about 15MB.

On the basis of the scanned image files, it can generate the preview image, and the technical index of the preview image is:

Storage format: JPG general quality compression format

Color Mode:RGB


In this way, a 3R size of the image of the preview level of storage capacity of about 30KB.

When the user is retrieved, it is only when the image is displayed, and when the image is called, the user can download the image to the local computer. Such a pair of images stored in two formats, the need for storage space is about 15.03MB.

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