
The demand of the hardware environment for Audio and video data management platform

Audio and video data management platform,include the photo data management system, audio and video media management system, have suggested that the user use independent server, especially audio-visual archive data management system and management system, audio and video media need to provide users with continuous streaming media streaming service, higher requirements on performance, general advice configuration 4 core CPU, 8 gb of memory and above.

Audio-visual archive data management system, image and audio video media file data management system management system, management of pictures, video, audio, takes up a lot of storage space, general advice configuration disk array, storage space at about 4 TB, along with the increase in material, can extend the storage space, for disk array, extend the space is very easy and convenient.

Configuration of the server can be incorporated into the user units of the existing network system, give full play to the role of the existing network. The network configuration diagram below:

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